Just Some Stats and Stuff

So, this is going to be a very generic update on life.  I’m exhausted and just want to sleep, but I’ve really been meaning to post for a while.  So I’ll post, with very little creativity, and then I will sleep.  Sound good?  Great.

Banana (Baby A)

  • Little Missy is 14 months old!
  • Not sure of height or weight, but she is definitely healthy!  She’s gotta be about 35lbs, but not gaining overly fast.
  • We had Banana in size 4 diapers and they were very clearly too small.  So, we got around to buying size 5, only to realize about half-way through a box that they were too small!  Every single morning was met with a baby who’d soaked through her pyjamas overnight.  Miss B is now in size 6s and fitting quite well.
  • Miss Missy is wearing 18-24 month clothes, and depending on the make, the 24 month is a little tight.  For fun, I put her in a 4T outfit, and lets just say I was expecting it to be a lot bigger than it was!
  • Banana recently started to walk.  She’s still a little wobbly, but getting better every day!
  • SHE FINALLY SAID MAMA.  Praise Jesus.  I thought it was never going to happen!  My girlie doesn’t talk a lot, but she’s said “Dada”, “kitty cat”, “what’s that”, “happy birthday”, and “gamma”.  BUT NO “MAMA”.  My theory is that I was never away from her for long so she’s never had to ask for me.  But now she says it and I don’t even care that it’s only when she’s upset.
  • Banana Bear has 9 teeth.  One molar is starting to pop out and man, oh, man is this kid not happy about it.
  • B has always been my good sleeper and she continues to be.  We get 12 hours of sleep a night.
  • B is also still a good eater, doesn’t seem to not like too much.  Although, she has days where she just doesn’t want to try something because of the look of it.  She’s not a fan of citrus and ended up gagging something awful when I let her taste my key lime frozen yogurt.  Not gonna lie, it was hilarious.
  • Banana had her allergy test this week.  Verdict:  no allergy to cat or dust mites!  And a bonus piece of good news:  she is no more likely to develop a bee allergy even though hubs is allergic.  Also, watching hubs get lectured about carrying an EpiPen was fun.  So, we are seeing the pediatrician in a couple of weeks and should be talking about why Miss B seems to have asthma.  Hopefully we can get her off the puffers!


Apple (Baby B)

  • My little Apple Pie is also 14 months… cause, well, they’re twins.
  • She is my tall and skinny baby.  Her frame is much smaller than her sister, but they are the same height.  Apple was 22lbs the last time she was weighed and I would be surprised if she is much more than that.
  • Apple was moved up to size 4 diapers since the 3s ran out and B was needing to move up.  I would be confident to put Apple back to size 3 though.
  • A is wearing 12-18 month clothing and it fits well.  12 month is good for the overall fit, but too short in the length.
  • Apple is still a big pain in the butt for food.  I just… ugh, she is probably going to be like this forever.  Just accept her as she is, beanie.  I can’t tell you how much food we’ve had to pick up off the floor because of this nugget.
  • Apple has been speaking a little more than her sister.  Pretty much the same words, but more often than B.  For some reason, neither of my girls will answer “A/B, what’s this?”  Instead, if you ask them to find a particular object or person, they will point it out to you.  They are not talkers, but the world could use more quiet people.
  • Apple.  My good lord, this kid is a tooth-growing machine.  16, people.  She’s got 16 freaking teeth.  AND the final molars are making their way out already.  You’d think she’d eat more given that her mouth is full of teeth.  But nope!
  • Sleep has always been an issue with this nugget.  BUT NOT ANYMORE!  We have an Apple Pie who sleeps through the night!!!  THANK. YOU. JESUS.
  • Apple is walking.  Correction:  Apple is running.  And you know what she likes to do when she’s running?  Running to Mama to get hugs.  It is my favorite thing.  Seriously, it’s just amazing to watch her smile and she runs to me with her arms out for a hug.  I can’t get enough of it.
  • Apple has not bitten anyone in about a month!  YAY!



  • We have moved from two naps down to one.  It’s still early days, so it’s not that easy.  Right now the day sort of looks like this:
    • 730AM – wake up
    • 8AM – breakfast
    • 930/10AM – milk and a snack with some Wiggles
    • 1130AM – lunch
    • 1230PM – milk and then nap
    • 2-3PM – wake up and snack
    • 4:30/5PM – dinner
    • 630PM – milk and bed time
  • The girls are still taking bottles, though they have switched over to homogenized milk (3.25% milk).  I am going to try to switch from bottle to sippy cups when they have milk with a snack/before a nap and keep the night-time milk in a bottle for now.  I know a lot of people have switched by now, but I have to tell you, I’M not ready.  I love the time to snuggle with them while they drink.
  • Once we are securely into the one nap schedule, we are going to….. move the girls back in together!
  • Generally, the girls like each other,  But there is still a lot of jealousy and fighting.



  • Well, I’m alright.  I guess.  I have some great days, but there’s been quite a few dark ones too.  I sometimes think I should speak with my doctor about it, but I have yet to do that.
  • I need more friends.
  • I am still going to the gym!  I’m well below my pre-pregnancy weight now 🙂  Still a ways to go, but getting there!
  • I am getting my hair done.  I can’t wait.  Seriously, after the girls were born, I lost SO MUCH hair and it’s still not back to normal.  So, I’ve contacted a woman who does hair out of her home, and we’re going to update my look.  I am so excited!
  • Dentist.  God help me, I hate going to the dentist.  I don’t know if you remember THIS post, but ughhhhh.  I went in due to tooth pain, and wouldn’t you know it…. cavities.  I’ve gone twice in the last two days (for cleaning), I am getting the cavities on my right side filled next Friday, then have some work to do on the left side (my fillings are loose or something), THEN in the new year, I must have my previous root canal-ed tooth fixed.  This is not helping my anxiety level.



  • I totally can see how/why/how fast a marriage can deteriorate after having kids.  I don’t know if Cody and I will break up or last or whatever, but it is certainly no fun trying to wait and see what happens.  Counselling is just not going to happen.  Cody likes to promise me anything and everything just to move on from a fight, but has very little follow through.  So, as often as we’ve talked about counselling and agreed that we should look into it, I just know it won’t happen.  I do love Cody, and we are currently in a “good patch”, but I don’t know how entirely happy I am.  Maybe I’m just tired… maybe I’m dealing with some depression… maybe I have given up all of my patience to my children.  I don’t know.  All I can say is that I always feel like he is one sassy remark away from me throwing him out of the house.  That being said, we are one month away from celebrating 6 years of marriage together.


I hope to update you all once we see the pediatrician in a couple of weeks!



sending you all hugs from my tiny corner in Canada,



6 thoughts on “Just Some Stats and Stuff

  1. Here’s the thing about the dentist after having babies. Lying on the chair is like bliss bc you are alone. I close my eyes and pretend I am at the spa. Haha! 😉

  2. Firstly, congrats on such amazing girls! They sound so funny! Apple the tooth growing machine made me laugh! And secondly, I am sending you hugs and hope that you are coping okay. It sounds like a lot to deal with. Xx

  3. Your girls sound adorable!! I cannot imagine having two teething babies at the same time – that alone might make you my hero! 😊
    And of course sending you love and hugs. And I’m hoping for happier days coming your way.

  4. Yay for 2 babies sleeping though the night! That’s awesome news! I’m sorry that you and Cody are still having rough patches though. I hope that he will eventually follow through and you’re able to go to counseling.

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